Tony Wong, a professor at the University of Illinois, will explain to everyone the overview of the total solar eclipse, on-site observation instructions, and how to better experience this spectacle. This lecture is explained in English and is suitable for all ages. The first 25 Registration eligible for free eclipse glasses. 4月8日在香槟市里观测日食的朋友请关注以下活动,下周可以在香槟或者Douglass图书馆领取免费观测眼镜。外出观测的朋友,做好计划,旅游安全。千万不要错过了身边的奇观! 领取免费看日食眼镜准备好观测!    

Champaign Library Tour and Chinese American Stories and Culture Showcase

Champaign Public Library 200 W Green St, Champaign, IL

Asian American Librarian Eva Liu lead everyone to have an in-depth understanding of library services; UI college students tell Chinese stories, culture, and lead handicraft activities for kids. Children over 7 years old can be dropped off. 亚裔美国图书管理员 Eva Liu 带领大家深入了解图书馆服务; UI大学生给社区孩子们讲华裔故事,中华文化,一起做手工活动,7岁以上儿童在活动期间交给华协负责人员监管。
