CAACI has invited Mr. Liu, a master collector of Chinese antique porcelain, to demonstrate and explain the fine yellow-glazed ceramics from Chinese royal and folk kilns over thousands years. He has devoted his life's efforts and money to collect art. First appreciate and learn the private collection, and then enjoy dinner together! 华协特邀香槟中国历代瓷器收藏大家刘先生为大家展示讲解他倾毕生心血和金钱收藏到的从汉代至今的中国皇家和民窑黄釉陶瓷精品。先欣赏讲解私人藏品,然后共同聚聚,大饱眼福及口福!
The Chinese American Association of Central Illinois (CAACI) welcomes students in the community to participate in an international art contest to celebrate the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month in May 2024! Participating Age: Under 24 years old in each group; Theme: Peace, environmental protection, inheritance of history, gratitude for life; Submission Deadline: […]