Tony Wong, a professor at the University of Illinois, will explain to everyone the overview of the total solar eclipse, on-site observation instructions, and how to better experience this spectacle. This lecture is explained in English and is suitable for all ages. The first 25 Registration eligible for free eclipse glasses. 4月8日在香槟市里观测日食的朋友请关注以下活动,下周可以在香槟或者Douglass图书馆领取免费观测眼镜。外出观测的朋友,做好计划,旅游安全。千万不要错过了身边的奇观! 领取免费看日食眼镜准备好观测!    


Champaign Public Library 200 W Green St,Champaign,IL

Asian American Librarian Eva Liu lead everyone to have an in-depth understanding of library services; UI college students tell Chinese stories, culture, and lead handicraft activities for kids. Children over 7 years old can be dropped off. 亚裔美国图书管理员 Eva Liu 带领大家深入了解图书馆服务; UI大学生给社区孩子们讲华裔故事,中华文化,一起做手工活动,7岁以上儿童在活动期间交给华协负责人员监管。


社区为高中12年级学生设置的各项奖学金,内容广泛,项目居多,非常灵活,欢迎大家踊跃申请,有问题直接联系Community Foundation; 申请截止日期: 2024年4月1日;  

Chinese Porcelain Private Collection Antique Show

CAACI has invited Mr. Liu, a master collector of Chinese antique porcelain, to demonstrate and explain the fine yellow-glazed ceramics from Chinese royal and folk kilns over thousands years. He has devoted his life's efforts and money to collect art. First appreciate and learn the private collection, and then enjoy dinner together! 华协特邀香槟中国历代瓷器收藏大家刘先生为大家展示讲解他倾毕生心血和金钱收藏到的从汉代至今的中国皇家和民窑黄釉陶瓷精品。先欣赏讲解私人藏品,然后共同聚聚,大饱眼福及口福!

Yo-Yo Ma Concert

Krannert Center 500 S Goodwin Ave,Champaign

Krannert, 04/06/2024, 7:30PM; Limited members tickets; Buy ticket:helen zhang,helenzhangau@gmail.com 香槟华协限量团体票,会员专属福利

家庭安全 华人社区地位会谈

您是否担心: 家庭安全,装设安保系统 其他族裔对亚洲人的仇恨 孩子们在学校怎样提高自卫 如何增强安全意识和措施 香槟市长,厄班纳市长和两市警察来和大家面对面提高华人社区安全,并认识华人协会新董事会成员。  

2024 International Youth Art Contest

The Chinese American Association of Central Illinois (CAACI) welcomes students in the community to participate in an international art contest to celebrate the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month in May 2024! Participating Age: Under 24 years old in each group; Theme: Peace, environmental protection, inheritance of history, gratitude for life; Submission Deadline: […]

Graduation Picture Day

Celebrate your achievements with professional graduation photos! We're offering free photo sessions to capture this unforgettable moment in your life; Meet at Alma Mater then at Quad. 恭喜你们即将迈向人生新的起点!为了记录这个特殊的时刻,我们诚挚地邀请你们参加我们的免费毕业照拍摄服务,扫码注册.  

Asian Business Showcase

Lincoln Square Mall 201 Lincoln Square,Urbana,IL,United States

Showcase Your Business; Networking Opportunities; Promote Your Offerings and Boost Sales. 产品及服务展示 商务合作机会洽谈 刊登华人社区通讯录 提升产品销量  

Social Belonging and Cultural Identities of the Qiang Ethnic Minority Group of China

Learn how the Qiang blend traditional and modern influences; Explore the challenges and strategies of ethnic minorities; Deeper Insight into Himalayan Ethnic Life. 中国少数民族 - 羌族的社会归属与文化认同; 了解羌族如何融合传统与现代; 探讨少数民族面临的挑战和策略; 深入了解羌族生活.  
