















Chinese Porcelain Private Collection Antique Show

日期: April 6

时间: 4 – 7 PM

地点: DD Fish, 401 S 1st St, Champaign

CAACI has invited Mr. Liu, a master collector of Chinese antique porcelain, to demonstrate and explain the fine yellow-glazed ceramics from Chinese royal and folk kilns over thousands years. He has devoted his life’s efforts and money to collect art. First appreciate and learn the private collection, and then enjoy dinner together!


日期: Saturday, April 20

时间: 3:30 – 5:30pm

Fee: N/A

地点: Champaign Public Library

200 West Green Street Champaign, IL 61820


提交截止日期:2024 年 4 月 20 日

Please click the links below

Contest Details          Contest Flyer




时间:2024 年 4 月 6 日星期六 – 晚上 7:30





Gabriel Fauré: Berceuse, Op. 16

Antonín Dvořák: Songs My Mother Taught Me

Sérgio Assad: Menino

Nadia Boulanger: Cantique

Gabriel Fauré: Papillon, Op. 77

Dmitri Shostakovich: Sonata for Cello and Piano in D minor, Op. 40


Arvo Pärt: Spiegel im Spiegel

César Franck: Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano



  • 标准成人 – 63 美元
  • 老年人(65 岁及以上)——58.50 美元
  • 非 UI 大学生 – $15
  • UI学生——9美元
  • 青少年(18 岁及以下)——9 美元

这是仅限会员的活动。 您可以加入会员以获得资格。 请联系 Helen 张[email protected]了解更多信息并获取门票。 每个家庭限购两张门票。 先到先得。


日期: 2024 年 3 月 30 日星期六

时间: 下午3点至下午 5 点

地点: 香槟公共图书馆罗伯森 C 室

伊利诺伊大学天文学教授解释 4 月 8 日日食(英文)

日期: 2024 年 3 月 28 日,星期四

时间: 晚上7点至8点

来源: Zoom, ID: 874 9240 3447, PW: 887766




截止日期: 2024 年 4 月 1 日



感谢您一年来对伊利诺伊州中部华人协会的支持和参与! 2023年我们一起度过了很多美好时光! 年度股东大会将于 3 月 2 日星期六上午 11 点在唐人街自助餐厅(地址:713 W Marketview Dr Champaign, IL)举行。


  • 会员年度午宴
  • 选举 2024 年新一届 CAACI 董事会

本次活动对CAACI会员免费。 如果您还没有加入会员,欢迎您加入我们并在会议上缴纳会员年费。


活动报名截止日期:2024 年 2 月 29 日中午 12:00。

2024 年 2 月 10 日 2024 年农历新年庆祝活动

欢迎来到春节联欢晚会! 2024年伊利诺伊州中部华人协会注册。 龙年春晚报名已开启!

时间:2024 年 2 月 10 日星期六下午 5:00 — 晚上 9:00

地点:South entrance of The Vineyard Church of Central Illinois

1500 N Lincoln Ave, Urbana, IL 61801

我们为您准备了年夜饭、歌舞节目、游戏、抽奖活动。 愿我们在千里之外的第二故乡与您一起度过一个快乐、温馨、难忘的春节!

费用为:成人:22 美元/会员,30 美元/非会员。 7-17 岁:15 美元,6 岁及以下免费。


香槟于 2023 年 11 月 17 日星期五讨论以色列和巴基斯坦的起源

2023年9月29日星期五晚上7点至9点,美国伊利诺伊州中部华人协会(CAACI)在水晶湖公园Lake House举办中秋赏月聚会。

活动内容包括猜灯谜、中秋茶点、烹饪展示、舞蹈表演等,参加者均可获得华人协会赠送的中秋礼物,欢迎大家踊跃参加。 让我们一起度过一个友好、欢乐、幸福的中秋之夜。


2023 年 1 月 21 日星期六 下午 5:00 – 晚上 9:00 伊利诺伊州中部华人协会

9月10日星期六晚,美国伊利诺伊州中部香槟华人联谊会与香槟华人朋友们齐聚水晶湖公园湖畔水边,度过了一个友好、欢乐、幸福的中秋之夜。。 也许你不能参加这个活动,欢迎你欣赏视频,视频已上传到YouTube,分享我们自己的中国文化和幸福。


9月10日星期六晚,美国伊利诺伊州中部香槟华人联谊会与香槟华人朋友们齐聚水晶湖公园湖畔水边,度过了一个友好、欢乐、幸福的中秋之夜。 。 也许你不能参加这个活动,欢迎你欣赏视频,视频已上传到YouTube,分享我们自己的中国文化和幸福。



演讲者:J. Michael Smith – 伊利诺伊州前总统 IMPACT – 伊利诺伊州教会理事会的政治游说团体



  1. Overview of Federal elections:
  2. the 537 elected positions in the federal government
  3. a federal election every two years (even numbered years)


  1. The election cycles
  2. 4-year presidential cycle
  3. 2-year House of Representatives cycle
  4. 6-year senate cycle
  5. Presidential elections
  6. Mid-term elections


  1. The math
  2. How many votes does it take to win a seat in the House or Senate?
  3. How many seats does it take for the Republicans or Democrats to control the House or the Senate?
  4. How many seats need to flip in 2022 for the Republicans to regain control of the House or Senate? Which races are the closest?


  1. The issues and the consequences
  2. What is likely to happen if the Republicans win
  3. The House
  4. The Senate
  5. What is likely to happen if the Democrats win
  6. The House
  7. The Senate


  1. Who are the most interesting candidates running this year?


  1. What STATE races are up for election in 2022 in Illinois?


  1. LOCAL elections
  2. Where to find bills be passed locally?
  3. When are local elections held?


  1. How can I more influence on the issues that matter to me?
  2. Attend meetings-school board, city council and county board
  3. Talk directly with people have leverage
  4. Participate an existing coalition
  5. How to create your own coalition
  6. Attend and speak at candidate forums


We will give Zoom links on Saturdays and Sundays. The presenter, Mike, has a lot of experience and clear pronunciation. He won first place in high school speaking in Illinois and served for 4 years as president of Illinois IMPACT, an organization that lobbied the government on behalf of more than 5,000 churches of all different denominations. He speaks at a slower pace. Feel free to join and ask questions!



晚上 7 点至 8 点 7月9日,华人协会举办财务管理网络研讨会,主讲人是美国金融硕士毕业的杨俊杰。 讲座由以下四个部分组成。


Part 1

What is financial management? What are the common ways to manage money in the United States, and what are the different needs of different age groups?

Part 2

Why are common methods such as real estate and stocks not necessarily the best choice, and what role can low-risk and low-return products play in financial planning?

Part 3

Why is insurance an important part of financial management, and how can you use different insurance products to protect your property and family, and even increase your income?

Part 4

What is the source of income after retirement in the United States, and how can I ensure that I have sufficient and stable income after retirement?

After the lecture, many Chinese people were happy to say that they had learned and learned about financial management. Some Chinese friends even believe that they should learn and understand this kind of knowledge as soon as possible to prepare for a better life for their families.

This lecture received unanimous praise from the Chinese.


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From out of the sea the moon appears, from the ends of the earth, all share this moment., children’s songs, Dance Team of Beautiful Moment in Life performances, horticultural displays 2020 Champaign Chinese Community Network Performing Art Show

From out of the sea the moon appears, from the ends of the earth, all share this moment., the horticultural display of the 2020 Champaign Chinese Community Network Performing Art Show

The end of the world is from out of the sea the moon appears, from the ends of the earth, all share this moment., the highlights of the public activities of the Dance Team of Beautiful Moment in Life, and the 2020 Champaign Chinese Community Network Performing Art Show

From out of the sea the moon appears, from the ends of the earth, all share this moment., Children’s Talent Painting Special, 2020 Champaign Chinese Community Network Performing Art Show

From out of the sea the moon appears, from the ends of the earth, all share this moment., the piano concert of Chinese works will be held at the 2020 Champaign Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

From out of the sea the moon appears, from the ends of the earth, all share this moment. in 2020, the Adult Talent Special Champaign Chinese Community Mid-Autumn Festival Online Art Show


2022年5月28日下午,.华人协会董事会成员和志愿者制作棕榈树的老师们举行了庆祝端午节的活动。 此次端午节活动受到了大家的一致好评。


Get In Touch With CAACI

P.O. Box 2276
Champaign, IL 61825-2136
[email protected]
